Grant number: 2019/35/N/ST5/03882

Project coordinator: Olga Cegielska

Project funding: 197 880 PLN

Project status: Project in progress

The objective of the project is to form a multicomponent nanofibrous drug delivery system containing brinzolamide, a poorly soluble anti-glaucoma compound, as a potential alternative for unsatisfactory commercial anti-glaucoma medications. The nanofibers consist of hydroxypropyl cellulose, providing carriers’ mucoadhesion, polycaprolactone, improving its mechanical performance, and brinzolamide with β-cyclodextrin, forming a guest-host complex that improves brinzolamide solubility and delivery rate. The exceptional composition, combined with the carrier’s nanofibrous structure, makes the delivery controlled and sustained, resulting in higher drug bioavailability and longer therapeutic time, therefore reducing frequency of administration, compared to commercial formulations.



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